DAY ONE: EL/CL COMPO It was fine. The topic was the "Travel Experience" I wrote about the Japan trip when I was 4 I could not remember the Tour Guide's name So I wrote he was Mr Something Zhubajie(Journey to the West) I only REMEMBER that the Tour Guide made me sing a song Row Row Row a boat Gently down the stream When you see a crocodile Don't forget to SCREAM ARGHH!
DAY TWO: GEOG The paper was fine
DAY THREE: LIT It was fine too!(:
DAY FOUR: MATHS Maths.. There was one question in the Sec.A They gave us cube root of 9 cube root for 90 cube root of 900 Then they ask what's the cube root of 0.9 HOW THE *** DO YOU EVEN DO IT!?
DAY FIVE: HISTORY/EL COMPRE History was SUPER ULTRA DUPER DIFFICULT Many people did not know how to do many questions SEQ! I think I will FAIL THE TEST THIS IS REALLY REAL!
DAY EIGHT: CHINESE It was quite okay, I think I should be able to do well bah
DAY NINE: SCIENCE! + CL LC FREEDOM DAY! Choir with Primary School Kids Miss Tan thinks they are cute
Saturday, September 20, 2008
; 12:20 PM
I am off to continue studying!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
; 7:19 PM
I somehow wasted 2 days of my time doing ART. Luckily, I studied while Laiwan and MelLee did the art.
We were thinking at first there was a class inside, therefore, we all went to the library to study. I did my Chinese and History. I memorised the part on Adolf Hitler. About Europe losing and Germany was defeated and humilated. Hitler was the one who promised Europe to make it prosperous and rich again.
I am watching a Korean Show now. I will not post anything until the end of EOYs.
There is choir on the 30/9/2008 and I am damn (hrm...) And
1/10/2008 is Children's Day -HOLS!
2/10/2008 is Marking day of EOYs- HOLS!
This year I have 3 Chalets to attend.
[1] Class- November
[2] Prefect- December
[3] Family- December
I have learnt something from the Korean show that the most translucent and shiny rice grain is the BEST rice type.
Name 20 people whom you can think of now 1 Alicia 2 Alvin 3 Amanda 4 Amelia 5 Annabelle 6 Annabella 7 Celine 8 Charmaine 9 Christa 10 Clarissa 11 Colton 12 Dayna 13 Eleanor 14 Esther Mei Ambrose 15 Grace 16 Hannah 17 Heather 18 Idayu 19 Isabel Tan 20 Isador PS: I took this name from the Contacts in my Phone. Notice its in A,B,C...
How did you meet #4 {Amelia} Somehow talked to her in choir What if #9 and #20 dated? {Christa/Isador} Totally OUT! NO WAY! Who will #6 and #17 date? {Annabella} I DON'T KNOW?! {Heather} She will probably find someone handsome! Describe #3 {Amanda} Strict and nice at the same time Describe #7 {Celine} Totally TOMBOY-ISH Know any of #12 family members? {Dayna} Yep.. My dad's friend's daughter What will you do if #18 confesses to you? {Idayu} It is a NO WAY OUT! Waht language doesn't #15 speak? {Grace} Bangladesh Who is #9 going out with? {Christa} How Do I Know?! Her Own Clique perhaps.. How old is #16? {Hannah} 15. When was the last time you spoke to #13? {Eleanor} On Friday during Handover Prac.(120908) Who is #2 favourite Bad Singer? {Alvin} I have no idea.. Is #19 Single? {Isabel Tan} Hrm.. I am not very sure about that.. What is #10's last name? {Clarissa} Loh Would you ever be in a relationship with #11? {Colton} Erm.. Maybe.. Maybe not(Provided he is still single la!) School of #3? PLMGSS How does #5 talk? {Annabelle} SUPER BELLE! Where does #6 live? {Annabella} EH! Annabella, where you stay ARH? What's your favourite thing about #4? {Amelia} Nothing. Except the fact she thought me that our hands have valves What's the best thing about #20? {Isador} She is funny and does duty with me all the time! What makes #17 a good friend? {Heather} Being COOL-est! When was the last time you saw #14? {Esther Mei} 120908 5 people whom you choose to do the quiz 1 Bevely 2 Kelly 3 Talia 4 Sherine 5 Melisa
; 6:24 PM
Me in 2006 Breda Jie Jie's Birthday! Act Cute
I was studying my Bio.
About the Circulatory System
That is the MOST important system
and that Arteries carry O2 and Food Particles
and that Veins carry CO2 and Waste and the Capillaries carry both Oxyenated and Deoxygenated Blood After this,
I am going to study
Digestive System
i hope i can absorb somethings at least
i am not really good at memorisation work.
Then tmrw
Can play lantern and fire
Friday, September 12, 2008
; 8:55 PM
5 days since I last posted something.
I thought of just posting something before I start studying again. For those people who didn't hear out Miss Joy Yuen" MUGGING ISN'T A WORD. IT IS SINGLISH!"
Anyway, Talia and I formed a new name for Joanne. This is nothing secretive neither am I talking bad about her so don't worry. It is
Joanne + Pig + Baboon = Jo + Pi + Boon ( That is what I call her in class)
(her name)+ Her 1st nickname + Her 2nd nickname= All mixed together
*Inspiration by Kelly
Prefect Stuff
Today we had Handover Prac.
Went on quite smoothly
Got to know my 2 juniors/ BUDDY!
They are starting duty next Monday
I studied in school after the handover today with Su-May, Niki and Amelia for a short while. Thanks a lot Amelia for helping in Biolody. WHATEVER WAS A VALVE!?(now I know) :)
British Council
Today I had BC again. I noticed there is a guy in the class who is a Counsellor. (?)
We did comprehension
On some ghost story
Sunday, September 07, 2008
; 10:40 PM
I was watching Camp Rock. I wouldn't miss it! I will post some things tomorrow!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
; 3:29 PM
My mother is still ill. She is coughing and say that she feel pain at the sides due to excessive coughing. I really really hope the angel which guards upon all of us will take action and heal my mother granting her speedy recovery.
I have been studying. I have no idea why but today, I feel that no matter what I should and will study. Usually my mum needs to tell me to study before I start. Today, I felt this sudden urge to study. It is really weird. I studied my Geography and History so far. I looked through the notes for Physics and tried to do a little memorisation work.
This is a nice song too. It is by Mandy Moore- Its Gonna be Love
All in all, I really hope, my mother will recover faster so that she can be as lively as she was(not saying she isn't now). It is just that she was more lively last time. It is raining again. I was thinking may today be the only day which will not rain. Well, I think I was wrong about the prediction. Anyway, today is Big Brother's first day of work in Singapore after his training+working in UK. Today if I am not wrong is also Second Brother' first day of his last year in University. I really cannot wait for him to graduate. By then, my mother said we can take a family portrait. I can also go to Second Brother's University(never been there). He said there is Urban Outfitters there, I will be there to take a look around(hopefully getting some clothes back!) I also hope that his graduation day do not fall on a school day. He said it is in May. Hopefully, it is the ending of May when we are having long June Holidays so that I can stay there for a longer time. Till then, BYE. I am off to study!
I have 2 free admission tickets to Wild Wild Wet and I think it would not be of any help. It expires on 7 September which means it is valid till the end of the holidays. It is raining everyday and it cannot be helped. I can't really go out therefore, "byebye tickets!"
My mother is sick. Having a really bad cough. I think I passed it on to her after the musical. I am not sure what is happening but both of us are coughing and she is really coughing badly. I hope you people will just pray that she will get well really soon. I want to believe that Miracles really happen.
Once again, my favourite song of the day: Miracles Happen-Myra
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
; 9:03 PM
First off, I want to start off with what my BUDDY Eleanor wrote on her blog. Message to Eleanor: I hope you don't mind me ripping off this small bit from your blog to put on my blog! Well, if you really mind, feel free to tell me on the Tagboard or something and I will take it away from my blog asap(:
Leave your name/a comment here, and I'll: 1. Tell you why I befriended you. 2. Associate you with a song / movie. 3. Tell a random fact about you. 4. Tell a first memory about you. 5. Associate you with a fruit 6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
Wynne 1. i have to, you are my buddy. HAHAHAA 2. Ratatouille 3. Not as gentle after i know you. hohoho 4. Soft spoken 5. Apple 6. Do you find me and SuAnn like, very crazy? hahahha
Anyway, I have been pondering over why she associated me with Ratatouille and Apple?HAHA! Buddy, if you read this post you might just want to tell me. YOU ARE REALLY FUNNY!:)
Well, since she took the time off to write for me, I shall write one for her too.
Eleanor: 1. Because you are my BUDDY! 2. Miracles Happen-Myra 3. You are a bit crazy?!(I cannot think) 4. I always think you were REALLY fierce 5. Strawberry 6. I seriously cannot think of anything..When I think of one, I will post it! I will be thinking! 7. If there is a question about what colour. I will say PINK! I LOVE PINK!
I am sorry. I will try to think of something more realistic and post it up again someday.. I cannot think of Q3 and Q6.
PS: Really hope you don't mind I take this portion out from your blog! And don't go mad at me for not really answering Q3 and Q6. Promise I will think of it hopefully post it up again by the end of September Hols!
Anyway, Today, we did art project at Macs, we took the Stop Motion of the fries dancing, nugget moving, bottle unwrap, the title and credits with sand. Trust me the Title and the Credits is really real. It is really like Stop Motion In case some people do not know what Stop Motion is, here is a clip:
They take over a thousand photos and bind them together using I-movie(Software in Apple Computers) This is my "NEW-EST" FAVOURITE SONG from Princess Diaries
Monday, September 01, 2008
; 6:39 PM
WYNNE ; said: you and your zhang yining * ZHANG YINING xD says: !!!!! ZHANG YINING xD says: yesssssss ZHANG YINING xD says: FENG WAVED TO MEEEE ZHANG YINING xD says: LOL WYNNE ; says: WTH?!? ZHANG YINING xD says: huh? WYNNE ; says: you went to AMK hub? ZHANG YINING xD says: yes ZHANG YINING xD says: why? ZHANG YINING xD says: im awesome! WYNNE ; says: did you get her autograph ZHANG YINING xD says: no D: ZHANG YINING xD says: cos i went late ZHANG YINING xD says: cos i had tuition ZHANG YINING xD says: so then they were leaving alrd ZHANG YINING xD says: thenn i just shout her name and wave then she waved back WYNNE ; says: oic WYNNE ; says: you must feel like really happy ZHANG YINING xD says: :D ZHANG YINING xD says: was high for the rest of the day lo ZHANG YINING xD says: :D:D:D WYNNE ; says: haha ZHANG YINING xD says: and plus, at nightm, ZHANG YINING xD says: i saw WYNNE ; says: i was quite sure of that one ZHANG YINING xD says: zhang on the news
That was my conversation with Yvonne and she was really happy that Feng waved to her. It is her idol. Anyway, I studied quite a lot and can jsut break my studying record. I studied for Geography, Maths, Chinese, Physics, Biology. WOW!
Nick Jonas is SO HOT!
14 (on my BDAY!)